The first meeting (kick-off meeting) was held last week by executives from the five (5) total partners of the research project “MixEd Reality and GeoINformatics for MOnument DEmonstration” with the acronym: MERGIN‘MODE and code T6YBP-00297.
During the kick-off meeting, which took place on Monday, November 11, 2019 at the GeoSense offices, the foundations were laid and the project implementation schedule was agreed. All the contracting parties started with particular enthusiasm and commitment to the proper implementation of their individual tasks, deeply feeling the need to display the monuments of our country.
The research project MERGIN‘MODE is a Cultural Information System (Cultural Information System), which aims at the demonstration of monuments (MOnument DEmonstration), through the merging (MERGIN’) of the real with the virtual, in a Mixed Reality (MixEd Reality) assisted from Geoinformatics technologies. Start: 11/10/2019 – Duration 30 months.
The consortium is consisted by:
- Ephorate of Antiquities of Thessaloniki of the Ministry of Culture & Sports
- Surveying and Geoinformatics Engineering Department, International Hellenic University
- Department of History and Archeology, Aristotle Univerrsity Of Thessaloniki
- GeoSense, a company active in the technology of Drones and Surveying Equipment
- Company Tessera Multimedia, Coordinator of the project, which is active in the field of new IT technologies and deals with the design and development of software.
The project is implemented under the Specific Action ‘Open Innovation in Culture’ and is co-financed by the European Union and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of the European Union under the Operational Program (“Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship &Innovation” (EPAnEK) 2014-2020.