Learn about Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a service that analyzes the traffic of a website. It is provided for free by Google and is one of the most popular and powerful tools for recording, analyzing, and reporting data related to website traffic and performance.

Key Features

The key features of Google Analytics include:

  1. Traffic Measurement: Google Analytics provides detailed information about the number of visits, the pages visited by users, the time they spend, and how they interact with your website.
  2. Traffic Sources: You can see the source from which your visitors come, such as Google searches, social networks, other websites, etc. This helps you understand which traffic sources are most effective for your site.
  3. User Behavior: You can analyze how much time users spend on your site, which pages are visited the most, and their preferences regarding the content.
  4. Goals and Behavior Metrics: You can set custom goals, such as filling out a form, purchasing a product, or signing up for your newsletter. Google Analytics provides statistics on the achievement of these goals and their performance.
  5. Reports and Statistics: You can create various reports and charts to monitor the progress and performance of your site at multiple levels.

GDPR and Analytics

In summary, Google Analytics is a useful tool for tracking your site’s visits and improving its performance. However, it is important to consider that using Analytics involves collecting user data. It is vital to inform your users about this and comply with data protection regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
The GDPR mandates that a website using analytics tools to collect information about user data must obtain the free, explicit, and informed consent of users. This means you must provide clear information about the purposes of data collection, the processing involved, and the users’ rights regarding their personal data.

Additionally, it is crucial to ensure the anonymity and security of the data collected through Google Analytics and to adhere to the guidelines set by the platform.


Google Analytics

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